@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ Battery.ino
+ Renders the battery information
+ on screen
+//Update the battery reading from ADC pin
+void updateBatteryReading(){
+ batRemain = 80;
+//Draw the battery icon at the bottom right hand corner
+void drawBatteryIcon() {
+ updateBatteryReading();
+ //Draw the battery icon
+ uint16_t barColor = GxEPD_BLACK;
+ if (batRemain <= 20){
+ barColor = GxEPD_RED;
+ }
+ int iconBaseX = display.width() - 50;
+ int iconBaseY = display.height() - 26;
+ display.drawRoundRect(iconBaseX, iconBaseY, 40, 20, 3, GxEPD_BLACK);
+ display.fillRoundRect(iconBaseX + 40, iconBaseY + 5, 4, 10, 3, GxEPD_BLACK);
+ //Internal bar
+ int maxBarWidth = 36;
+ int barWidth = int(float(batRemain)/100.0 * maxBarWidth);
+ display.fillRoundRect(iconBaseX + 2, iconBaseY + 2, barWidth, 16, 3, barColor);
+ //Draw percentage
+ int16_t tbx, tby; uint16_t tbw, tbh;
+ display.setFont(&FreeSans9pt7b);
+ display.setTextSize(0.5);
+ String batInfo = String(batRemain) + "%";
+ display.getTextBounds(batInfo, 0, 0, &tbx, &tby, &tbw, &tbh);
+ display.setCursor(iconBaseX - tbw - 6, iconBaseY + tbh + 2);
+ display.setTextColor(GxEPD_BLACK);
+ display.print(batInfo);
+ display.setTextSize(1);