Toby Chui 1 gadu atpakaļ

+ 101 - 1

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 # InkyDash
-The ESP8266 version of InkyCal
+A simple e-ink / epaper powered calendar with weather information and daily progres bar
+## Usage
+### Wiring
+If you are using the offical PCB, then follow the silk screen wiring instructions. Otherwise, if you are using generic ESP8266, follow the following wiring instructions to connect your e-ink display SPI control board to your development board.
+#### Wemos D1 mini
+- BUSY -> D2
+- RST -> D4
+- DC -> D3
+- CS -> D8
+- CLK -> D5
+- DIN -> D7
+- GND -> GND
+- 3.3V -> 3.3V
+#### Generic ESP8266
+- BUSY -> GPIO4
+- RST -> GPIO2
+- DC -> GPIO0
+- CS -> GPIO15
+- CLK -> GPIO14
+- DIN -> GPIO13
+- GND -> GND
+- 3.3V -> 3.3V
+### Customizations
+#### Low Power Mode
+If your InkyDash is running off battery, set LOW_POWER_MODE to true and add a resistor between the D0 / GPIO16 pin to the RST pin of the ESP8266. **This resistor is critical for the ESP8266 to wake up from deep sleep mode.** The resistor values depends on your development board, but usually 330R to 1k Ohm is commonly used by the community.
+#### Weather Locations
+You can change your weather location by editing these few lines in the weather.ino file.
+//Latitude & Longitude of your location
+/* Hong Kong */
+const String lat = "22.2783";
+const String lon = "114.1747";
+/* Timezone */
+const String timezone = "Asia/Singapore";
+The weather information is provided by ``. They do not require API key for request count less than 500 per hour. You can modify the weather API if you already have a code snippet doing just that from your other projects. 
+// In updateCurrentWeatherInfo() function
+//Update the current lines to your data sources
+currentTemp = doc["current"]["temperature_2m"];
+currentHumd = doc["current"]["relative_humidity_2m"];
+currentRain = doc["current"]["rain"];
+minTemp = doc["daily"]["temperature_2m_min"][0];
+maxTemp = doc["daily"]["temperature_2m_max"][0];
+### Firmware Downloading
+Open "InkyDash" project with Arduino IDE and upload the firmware into the InkyDash control board.
+### Supported Eink Models
+Basically you can try this with any 7.5 inch eink display with 3 colors. 
+- GxGDEW075Z09 (Recommend)
+- GxGDEW075Z08 (Not Tested)
+- GxGDEW075T8 (Not Tested, Require some color code change)
+- GxGDEW075T7 (Not Tested, Require some color code change)
+## License
+CopyRight tobychui (C) All Right Reserved

