Migration Report - server



Solution and projects


server.vbproj: Your project is targeting .NET Framework 2.0 or 3.0. If your project uses assemblies requiring a newer .NET Framework, your project will fail to build. You can change the .NET Framework version by clicking Properties on the project menu and then selecting a new version in the '.NET Framework' dropdown box. (In Visual Basic, this is located on the Compile tab by clicking the 'Advanced Compiler Options...' button.)
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server.vbproj: Project file successfully backed up as C:\Users\Toby\Desktop\Project\ArOZ Server\Sources''\chat_server\server\Backup\server.vbproj
Module1.vb: File successfully backed up as C:\Users\Toby\Desktop\Project\ArOZ Server\Sources''\chat_server\server\Backup\Module1.vb
My Project\AssemblyInfo.vb: File successfully backed up as C:\Users\Toby\Desktop\Project\ArOZ Server\Sources''\chat_server\server\Backup\My Project\AssemblyInfo.vb
My Project\Application.Designer.vb: File successfully backed up as C:\Users\Toby\Desktop\Project\ArOZ Server\Sources''\chat_server\server\Backup\My Project\Application.Designer.vb
My Project\Resources.Designer.vb: File successfully backed up as C:\Users\Toby\Desktop\Project\ArOZ Server\Sources''\chat_server\server\Backup\My Project\Resources.Designer.vb
My Project\Settings.Designer.vb: File successfully backed up as C:\Users\Toby\Desktop\Project\ArOZ Server\Sources''\chat_server\server\Backup\My Project\Settings.Designer.vb
My Project\Application.myapp: File successfully backed up as C:\Users\Toby\Desktop\Project\ArOZ Server\Sources''\chat_server\server\Backup\My Project\Application.myapp
My Project\Settings.settings: File successfully backed up as C:\Users\Toby\Desktop\Project\ArOZ Server\Sources''\chat_server\server\Backup\My Project\Settings.settings
My Project\Resources.resx: File successfully backed up as C:\Users\Toby\Desktop\Project\ArOZ Server\Sources''\chat_server\server\Backup\My Project\Resources.resx
server.vbproj: Project migrated successfully
server.vbproj: Scan complete: Migration not required for project files.
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server.sln: Visual Studio needs to make non-functional changes to this project in order to enable the project to open in Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without impacting project behavior.
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server.sln: File successfully backed up as C:\Users\Toby\Desktop\Project\ArOZ Server\Sources''\chat_server\server\Backup\server.sln
server.sln: Solution migrated successfully
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